Monday, 17th Sep

With 1 in 2 properties passing in at auction, it's more important than ever to know how & when to negotiate!

Sydney's Clearance Rates plateaued last Saturday at 53.2%, with 550 properties under the hammer, versus 763 on the same weekend last year.

The Lower North Shore & Inner West marketplaces bolstered the overall result, with 67.7% and 63.2% respectively selling. However the West, Central Coast and Canterbury Bankstown continued to underperform, with rates below 40%.

With almost one out of every two properties passing in at auction, as a buyer in this market you need to be asking yourself - "how confident do I feel handling the negotiation myself and making sure I'm not overpaying?". It's more important than ever to know when to strike - whether to negotiate on the day; 2 days later; 2 weeks later... This can make a huge difference to your hip pocket.

We've purchased over 2000 properties across all markets, and from just $550 we can bid at an auction for you and work with you to secure the lowest possible price. Contact us today for a confidential chat about how we can help you on 02 9960 1066 or 0419 200 018.

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**Figures sourced from Dr Andrew Wilson, My Housing Market

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