Never rush your decision. It is much better if you adopt a cautious and time consuming search in consideration of properties rather than jumping quickly into a purchase that doesn't really suit your needs. Many people rush into buying property with the end result being what is called 'Buyers Blues'. This is when you are in remorse and regret, for buying something that you are not 100% happy with. You will however always receive a small touch of 'Buyers Blues' no matter how happy you are, due to a new sense of commitment.
As much as possible, always be sure to discipline yourself to look at properties practically and without emotion. Emotions tend to cloud good judgement. This is always easier said than done when you are looking for a family home as it has to feel right and is an emotional decision. The best way to make a healthy decision on property is to let both partners adopt different attitudes, as one partner will usually adopt the emotional side and the other the practical side, coming together ending up in a very balanced decision.
Do not under any circumstances sign anything until you have consulted with your solicitor, and feel comfortable with the commitment you are about to make for both legal and financial reasons. Always view a property more than once, and if you do feel as though this is really the one for you, act quickly but sensibly, not looking too keen to avoid paying a higher, emotional price. Remember the real estate agent you are dealing with works and represents the seller only.
The agent is there to get the best price, terms and conditions for the seller and not you, the buyer. To get the best price, terms and conditions for the Buyer, you should employ what is called a “Buyer's Agent” (property negotiator) who works in your best interests only.
Never miss the chance to own a good piece of real estate. The saying goes “the only bad property investment is no property investment.” In most cases this is not far from the truth.
To have a professional represent you in your next property purchase, contact us today on 02 9960 1066 or enquiries@pkproperty.com.au.