Labor's proposed changes to negative gearing and capital gains tax have been the most debated of all policies since the Opposition announced the proposals in early 2016. An array of modelling, predictions and hand-wringing have all come to a variety of conclusions about the potential impact of the policy on the property market.
Based on an analysis of the best modelling and predictions, if Labor's policies become law: prices are likely to be pushed lower in the short run, rents wouldn't change much, and housing construction would decrease in the short run due to prices falling, but might rise a bit in the long run.
What's been proposed? Labor's planned changes to negative gearing and the capital gains tax
Labor's proposed tax policy has two parts: restricting negative gearing to newly built properties, and reducing the capital gains tax (CGT) discount to 25 per cent from the current 50 per cent discount (Labor's proposal is explained in detail in this Domain article).
Negative gearing of an investment property occurs when the annual interest payments on a loan are higher than the net rental income. This loss can then be deducted from other income, such as wages, reducing the investor's taxable income in that financial year.
If elected, Labor proposes to limit negative gearing against wage and salary income to newly constructed housing only.
Under Labor's proposal, all investments made before the changes come into effect will be fully 'grandfathered', meaning investors who purchase existing properties before the yet-to-be-determined commencement date will still be able to claim losses against wage income.
And although under Labor's policies losses from existing properties can't be deducted from wage income, losses can still be offset against other investment income such as share dividends or carried forward to offset the capital gain on the property when it is sold.
Labor is proposing to halve the CGT discount for all investments, including new and existing properties.
Currently, investors who sell an asset are liable to pay tax on the capital gain at their marginal tax rate. Investors who hold an asset for longer than 12 months are entitled to a 50 per cent discount – Labor intends to reduce this discount to 25 per cent. Labor's proposed CGT changes will also be grandfathered
Will it happen? Labor's proposed policy has about a 75 per cent chance of becoming law
There are two major question marks over whether Labor's proposals will become law. The first is whether Labor wins the upcoming election and forms the government. According to betting markets, Labor is about an 85 per cent chance to win the upcoming election, and opinion polls suggest a similar likelihood of a Labor victory.
The second unknown is whether the proposals will pass the new Senate. Labor is highly unlikely to win a majority in the Senate so a Labor government would have to negotiate with cross-benchers to pass its tax policies.
The Greens support limiting negative gearing and reducing the CGT discount. But it's unlikely that Labor, with the Greens support, will have the numbers to pass its legislation. So Labor will probably also need support from other cross-bench senators. It is highly likely, say a 90 per cent probability, that Labor will be able to negotiate with some cross-bench senators to pass the planned reforms, or something similar if it wins government at the May election.
So the probability of Labor's proposed tax changes, or something very similar, becoming law is about 75 per cent (85 per cent chance Labor win the election multiplied by 90 per cent chance the legislation passes the Senate).
When will it happen? Labor's proposals are likely to start on July 1, 2020
Labor has not announced a start date for its policies but intends to implement them in its first term.
It's likely the policy start date would be at the beginning of a new financial year. Because the election is to be held in mid-May, it would be difficult for an incoming Labor government to pass the law through the Parliament by June 30 (or possibly some time in July with the start date backdated to July 1). Assuming a Labor government can pass the legislation, given the tight time frame, the likely start date is July 2020.
What will happen?
Prices: Labor's policy would lower property prices in the short term, but some of this is already “priced in”
Labor's policy would push property prices lower than otherwise. The short-term impact on prices is fairly uncertain but is likely to be in the range of a further 1 to 2 per cent fall but with a bigger impact in areas with a higher proportion of investors.
The total impact on property prices of Labor's policies is in the range of prices falling 3 to 7 per cent lower than they would otherwise. Importantly, these price falls have mostly been “priced in”, meaning much of it has already occurred as investors predicted that Labor's policies were likely to become law. For example, if potential buyers expect prices to be about 5 per cent lower than otherwise due to Labor's policy, and this is 75 per cent priced in (reflecting the odds that Labor will legislate the reforms), prices will fall a further 1 to 2 per cent on average when Labor implements its policies.
Labor's proposed policies played a part in property prices falling by 6 per cent in 2018. But other factors also contributed to lower prices, notably tighter bank lending practices, investor caution, weaker sentiment and a high level of new housing construction.
Another factor affecting prices is when the proposed tax changes start. If Labor manages a July 2020 start date, this may give potential investors a window to “bring forward” purchases to take advantage of the grandfathering of the tax changes. This may support prices in 2019-2020 but weigh on prices in late 2020 and 2021. However, working in the other direction, a delayed start may extend the uncertainty that is contributing to falling property prices.
A July 2019 start date may contribute to further price falls this year. However, an early start date will end the uncertainty that has contributed to price falls, and limit the feedback loop, which some argue will push property prices down more significantly.
This prediction is based on a review of the evidence on prices:
- Treasury advised the government that Labor's proposal policy “could introduce some downward pressure on property prices in the short term”, but the exact impact would depend on what else was going on in the market at the time. Treasury stated that Labor's policies would have a bigger impact on prices if the introduction coincided with a weaker housing market. Treasury believes Labor's policies are likely to have only a “relatively modest downard impact” on prices in the long term.
- A 2016 Grattan Institute report estimated the impact of banning negative gearing for property investments and halving the CGT discount would push property prices 2 per cent lower than otherwise. Grattan's policy scenario would potentially have a larger impact on prices than Labor's proposal, as Labor plans to allow negative gearing of new properties, and Grattan recommended that these changes be phased in with no grandfathering for existing investors.
- A 2018 report by property analysts RiskWise Property Research and Wargent Advisory predicted Labor's policies would push Australian dwelling prices approximately 7 per cent lower than otherwise. RiskWise predicts the changes will create a self-reinforcing cycle of weaker sentiment and lower prices, with these feedback effects resulting in larger price falls in the short run than estimated by the Grattan Institute. RiskWise also assumes that if the policy start date is delayed, the impact on prices will be bigger due to the expectations and feedback effect.
- Other analysts and academics also predict that Labor's policies will push property prices down modestly.
- A mid-point of these predictions suggests Labor's polices are likely to push property prices about 5 per cent lower than otherwise in the short run.
Rents: Labor's reforms would have little impact on rents
Labor's policy would have only a small impact on rents. Investors looking to buy established properties but are dissuaded because they cannot take advantage of tax breaks would be predominantly replaced by renters looking to buy. While this would reduce the supply of rental properties, demand for rental properties would also decline as more renters wanting to buy a property will outbid investors.
Because Labor's policies are grandfathered, investors currently using negative gearing would not lose their tax benefit, so very few will rush to sell their properties (these investors may actually be more likely to hold on to their investment to keep the tax benefit).
This prediction is based on a review of the evidence on rents:
The Grattan Institute estimated that rents would increase very slightly under a policy similar to Labor's proposal (although with no grandfathering for existing investors). Its modelling found that the policy will instead push down property values. Grattan estimates that any rent increases would be larger for units and apartments. Due to the grandfathering of the tax changes, the impact on rents will be even smaller than estimated by the Grattan Institute, because investors currently negative gearing won't face a higher tax bill.
International evidence also suggests rents are unlikely to rise in the short term due to tax changes. Rental yields will be pushed higherunder Labor's changes, but this can occur if prices fall and rents remain unchanged.
Others argue that Labor's policy will increase rents. Many reports cite that the removal of negative gearing in 1985 increased rents in Sydney and Perth. But this claim is rejected by numerous sources, including an ABC Fact Check and analysis by Saul Eslake, the Grattan Institute and Australian Council of Social Service. According to these rebuttals, real rents did not increase Australia-wide. Rents were stable in Melbourne and fell in Adelaide and Brisbane and while rents rose in Perth and Sydney, vacancy rates were very low in these cities at this time.
As some would-be homebuyers are not renters, some argue that it is not the case that an investor deciding not to buy a property will instead be replaced by a person currently renting. Instead, the property may be bought by a person living with their parents. This will happen to a small extent, but there is also one less would-be renter now looking for a rental property, so the renter now faces less rental competition.
Most evidence suggests the impact on rents will be minimal, with the 1985-1987 period not providing strong evidence that rents will spike if negative gearing is restricted.
Housing construction: Labor's reforms would weigh on new housing construction in the short term, but may boost construction in the long-term
The prospect of lower property prices due to Labor's policies would weigh on construction activity in the next year or two, as new housing construction generally follows property prices in the short term. So Labor's proposal could be already contributing to the slowdown in the construction sector.
However, the ongoing impact of Labor's policy would be small and could be positive: few property investors will choose to purchase new properties (see graph), and the changes allow negative gearing of newly-constructed dwellings which should encourage more investment in new housing.
Other factors, such as planning restrictions and community resistance to new development, will have a bigger effect on new housing construction in the medium-to-long term.
This prediction is based on a review of the evidence on construction:
- While negative gearing encourages people to invest in property, it does little to increase the supply of new housing. Only about 10 per cent of property investors purchase new housing (and about 60 per cent of all landlords negatively gear their investment property).
- Some reports seem to overstate the impact of Labor's proposals on new construction. A report commissioned by Master Builders Australia predicted significant declines in new housing construction and employment due to Labor's policy. But the modelling did not account for the fact that existing investors aren't affected by the tax changes, and that owner-occupiers can replace investors discouraged by higher taxes.
- The Property Council surveyed more than 1000 property investors and potential investors and found that about half would be discouraged from investing in property due to Labor's policies, including new properties. However, this survey did not cover owner-occupiers, who would benefit from less competition with investors and who would replace any potential fall in investor demand. And there was little awareness of the details of Labor's policies among the survey respondents.
- Other analysis points to Labor's policies having little effect, or a small positive impact, on new construction. Deutsche Bank analyststhink Labor's policies would have minimal negative impact on new dwelling construction, and could potentially provide a minor boost, as there has been no surge to build houses to take advantage of the grandfathering provisions. The Labor-aligned McKell institute thinks Labor's policy could increase housing construction by approximately 10 per cent. And property developers, such as Stockland's CEO and the CEO of Capio Property Group, have stated that Labor's changes would provide a boost to housing construction by encouraging investors to buy new properties.
- Overall, the evidence that Labor's policies will weigh on construction activity beyond the short-term impact from lower prices is weak.
Other impacts: Labor's proposals would improve the budget bottom line and increase home ownership
The biggest impact of Labor's proposal will be on the budget bottom line. Labor's modelling predicts that its proposed changes would increase revenue by $32 billion over 10 years. The reforms would also boost home ownership rates among younger households, which have been declining for decades.
Labor's proposed changes to negative gearing and the CGT discount would not send property prices crashing or rents soaring. It's impossible to be certain about the exact impact of Labor's proposed changes to negative gearing and CGT, but based on the best modelling and predictions, property prices would fall a further couple of per cent, there would be little impact on rents and construction activity may be modestly lower in the short term due to weaker prices.
*Direct Source: Trent Wiltshire, Economist, Domain