Tuesday, 3rd Aug

It's now or never

With everyone back from school holidays the market will be in its most active period until mid December.

Agents are reporting that there is a little bit of stock coming on, but nowhere near as much as last spring.

The market is still strong, but the urgency has been taken out of the market causing auction clearance rates to drop.

Vendors are still getting good prices, but some still are sticking to their guns on what they got told six months ago, and are refusing to move until that price is offered.

These are the vendors that either get lucky, or on the other hand have their properties sitting on the market for months. When purchasing see if you can find out from the agent the vendors' motivation for selling. This is very important because if they have no motivation to sell, your negotiating to purchase could be a waste of time.

If a vendor has already purchased somewhere else, they are more inclined to take a reasonable offer from a serious buyer.

But the flipside to this is, if they have bought before they have sold you might very well find that the negotiation could be difficult, because they have to get a certain price to be able to complete the purchase on the other side.

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