Monday, 6th May

Another mixed bag of auction clearance rates..

The Sydney Property Market still shows a mixed performance between the different regions of Sydney amongst the distraction of school holidays and Easter.

There is also an element of uncertainty out there at the moment with a Federal Election looming, as people are waiting to see who will be sworn into Parliament and what changes will be made.

However, A Grade properties in A Grade locations are still seeing fierce buyer competition between one or two parties. But with a shift in sentiment coming into Spring plus a potential supply and demand increase, this may turn into three or four parties fighting for a property and then it all starts to pick up again.

Don't wait to see what happens, purchase the right property now! For independent advice on a property's true market value, contact our experienced team today on 02 9960 1066 or

**Source: Dr Andrew Wilson, Chief Economist at My Housing Market

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