Wednesday, 13th Feb

Sydney Buyer’s Agents.. Use them to get the best price on your next property

Some of you might have been thinking- Why use a buyer's agent? Buying a home is something I can do myself. I understand this, traditionally Australians have always bought property themselves.
But let's look at it this way …over 90% (approx) of homes sold in Sydney in 2012 were listed with a real estate selling agent.
Why is this?
Yes, maybe they have a database of buyers
Yes, that's just what people do (interesting fact – 45 years ago most homes were sold by owners themselves)
However, fundamentally it is because people have the confidence the selling agent will get them the highest price for their property. This is the selling agents job morally, ethically and legally. In other words their job is to get the best terms and the highest price from YOU as the buyer.
Some of the larger franchises are training their staff on real estate negotiation on a weekly basis.Time and time again I have seen buyers being led like “lambs to a slaughter” and paying ridiculous amounts for Sydney property. It is in my humble opinion, one of the contributors to some of the property value booms over the decades. If the agent sells the home for a great price the next seller in the street is going to want more for their home than the last one that's sold.
All of a sudden real estate agents are in cycle of pushing values higher and higher. Agents are smarter and some have become very highly skilled negotiators.
This brings me back to buyer's agents.
If the seller has a professional working for them …… then doesn't it just make sense that property buyers do too?
Especially when buyers are making one of their biggest financial and emotional decisions in their lifetimes?
As buyers have you done the necessary due diligence to determine the true value of a home? If a property has sold in the street, is this a true comparable, is it of similar land size , accommodation, renovation wise? Can you put in the necessary time and patience for a negotiation? Can you be detached and unemotional with the property negotiation?
As you are the expert in your work/field we are the professionals at buying property. If you needed surgery would you do it yourself?
It amazes me the amount of people that get it wrong, get burnt and wonder why they bought the wrong property for themselves or they have paid “the world” for it.
As buyers agents we level the playing field. We counteract misrepresentation, overpricing and emotional impulse buying.…. we are on your side to negotiate the best terms and the lowest price possible for YOU,… the buyer. Contact Pk Property today on 02-99601066
