Sunday, 19th May

Silent Sales Not Just For Premium Sydney Properties Anymore, Demand Increases For Buyer’s Agents

Up to now, the ‘Silent Sale' was typically used for high net worth clients seeking privacy for their transaction. Just recently, the Buyer's Agents at PK Property Search & Negotiators have experienced a dramatic increase in silent sales for Sydney homes in all price ranges.
The real estate buyer's agents at PK Property Search & Negotiators have lately experienced a significant increase in silent sale homes in the Sydney area. Managing Director, industry expert and buyer's agent Mr. Peter Kelaher says “Until recent times, silent sales were usually only performed for the top tier of the property market, but that's all changed now.”

There are times when would-be vendors never surfaced in real estate listings because of the inconvenience of open inspections, as well as the advertising costs associated with selling. So the possibility of a hopeful buyer connecting with that potential seller seems near impossible, unless the property is openly mass marketed. That's all changed now.
Thankfully, the real estate innovators at PK Property Search & Negotiators are uniting buyers and sellers through something called a silent sale. The silent sale technique, usually reserved for high end properties until now, is being used by the Sydney buyer's agents for homes in all value ranges.

Real estate expert Mr. Kelaher says many buyers are too late in their attempt to purchase because, agents contact buyers off their databases before a home hits the papers. By the time the buyer contacts the agent, the property's been silently sold.”
He continues saying that “great real estate sells itself, and these silent sales are more common than previously thought.” Mr. Kelaher also notes if a vendor “can sell their property quickly and silently, without expensive marketing campaigns or invasive open inspections, while controlling some level of confidentiality, they will.”

Mr. Kelaher, who was once a property writer for News Ltd and was a property editor for Channel 7′s “The Morning Shift”, says his team's great success with silent sales is a result of “our strong relationships with agents Sydney-wide that exposes our clients to an array of silent listings; and that naturally leads to a great result for both sides: a no-fuss sale.”
He continues, “We've been forming solid connections since our inception in 1997 and that's how our extensive real estate database got to where it is. We stay in regular contact with all agents and agencies in the Sydney metro area.” It's through this extensive networking web that's caused PK Property Search & Negotiators silent sales to dramatically increase of late.

Mr. Kelaher goes on to say that previously silent sales were more common for premium properties but now “silent sales are in all price ranges. Last week we wrapped up a $760,000 Cremorne home at the same time as closing a deal for a $3.5m Mosman property.”
The company director believes silent sales will become more common amongst home sales going forward, “It just makes sense, if a home can sell without all the intrusion of inspections and advertising costs, then there's no reason not to do it.”

With the demand for silent sales now increasing, home buyers and sellers in all price ranges are benefiting from PK Property Search & Negotiators years of real estate connections. To learn more about their leading edge method for finding these silent sales, , please contact Peter Kelaher directly on +61 0419-200-018, or visit them at:
